Before and After

Before I was called Sushma – born to an amazing family, studied in the best school in the nation (Navodaya Vidyalaya ), held masters from reputed college NITK (still didn’t know a thing about life), adventurous(calculative),  had a fulfilling job, married to the man that I loved. Road looked all green ahead.
Eventually I decided to startup. All good ideas and supportive people around, But I craved for “INSIGHT” with in me.. Felt helpless about human suffering be it Cancer or poverty. 

Then the most UNEXPECTED happened. I found my GURU.
How my Guru happened.. 

How Isha Hatha Yoga teachers training happened or simply this life process from 2015 – 2016 unfolded, I hold it very sacred with in me. Because for sure with my knowledge or capability I couldn’t and wouldn’t have planned this possibility.

I really can’t put them into words nor can I ruin the experience by putting it in mere words. 

All I can mention is ‘this’ subjective transformation is definitely by the Grace of something beyond what I call as myself.  

Before Isha Hatha Yoga Before Isha Hatha Yoga

After Isha Hatha yoga After Isha Hatha yoga

After I am renamed by Sadhguru as Surabi
Naturally Happy, peaceful, unsatisfied and unsettled. Definitely empowered to offer most amazing and proven tool for human suffering and success. 

I saw for myself many things don’t bother me anymore. Physical and mental health is not even a thing that I have to bother, its taken care with daily Sadhana. The way I handle few situations and people around has been very different. I feel much more organized and efficient, take many projects at ease.

I am not sure what I will be doing in future, An entrepreneur.. Or back to job.. Or continue to Experience the joy of motherhood .. Or back to active trekking with the lust for the mountains.. Or dance to the cosmic rhythm .. Or continue to be hollow, so this profundity flows through me – being a Hatha yoga teacher..
One thing for sure, Whatever I would do, Wherever I end up. Life has never been the same after Dec 2016(& so far). It can’t be the same for this life and life after this if there is one.

From Sushma to Surabi. .There are no words, They are two worlds, two lives lived in this life. I have invested life in the right direction that I am shamelessly proud of.
Had this not happened, Life would anyways go, I would have made the best life in the ways I knew.. I would still be proud. Others around would still make their lives the best way they knew. There is no harm. Like an illiterate doesn’t know ABC 123.. it’s really no harm.. But not knowing this dimension to live and perceive life itself is such a loss, it’s just being ignorant.. it’s just plain “not knowing” no big deal about it.. But if you really know what I am saying… Its “”not knowing””.
If this possibility happens in anyone’s life.. He or she can never be the same.. If there is even 0.000000001% chance to even experience YOGA in this depth and purity.. I just pray and wish who-so-ever you are reading this may you get time, energy, money & all the Answers for your mind’s trump cards. Don’t let the life go by without giving yourself to this possibility called YOGA.